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Risky Dental Habits to Ditch

Maintain a healthy smile by ditching these unhealthy habits. It is never too late to start bettering yourself. Many individuals focus on improving their eating or fitness to try to live a healthier lifestyle. However, focusing on breaking a few poor oral habits could benefit your overall wellness and keep your smile healthy. Chewing on […]

A Healthy Tongue, Makes for a Healthy Mouth

Having a healthy tongue is just as important as maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Tongues play a crucial role in your oral function. Without your tongue it would be essentially impossible to speak, eat, and taste all your favorite foods! Taking care of your tongue is just as important as maintaining healthy teeth and gums. […]

Getting back to the Basics of Dental Hygiene

Get the most out of your at-home routine by getting back to the basics of dental hygiene. Routines are part of our daily lives and it is easy to let your mind’s autopilot take over. However, when it comes to your smile, relying on muscle memory could be hindering your oral care. Follow these helpful […]

What is the Best Way to Whiten Teeth?

A brighter smile is just around the corner. Smiling can improve your mood, boost your immune system, and even make you appear more attractive to others. However, some people may try to hide their pearly whites because they are embarrassed by stained teeth. Whitening your teeth can make a significant improvement in the appearance of […]

Beautiful Smiles Depend on Healthy Gums

Gums hold your smile in place, keep them healthy with a few simple steps! Your oral health goes beyond just teeth. Gums play a big part in a healthy and beautiful smile. They help protect your teeth and the underlying bone from harmful bacteria in the mouth. Think of your teeth as a fence post […]

Teeth Grinding is on the Rise Due to Pandemic Stress | Abadin Dental

Studies have shown that teeth grinding has increased during the pandemic; we can help protect your smile. Now that we’re more than a year into a global pandemic, we are learning more about the variety of indirect effects that COVID-19 has had on the population. We have seen it affect our mental health, our emotional […]

Scientists Prove Human Ancestors Drank Milk

Scientists have spent decades studying ancient paintings on cave walls that depict animals being milked in an attempt to find evidence of dairy consumption. They have even found traces of dairy fat in pots. But scientists have never been able to determine if one specific human ate or drank dairy until now. Modern technology has […]

Are Veneers Right for You?

Veneers can be a simple, non-invasive way to change your smile’s shape and look while preserving valuable tooth structure. If you’re looking for a non-invasive way to improve the shape of your smile, veneers might be the choice for you. Veneers are thin shells of either porcelain or composite resin placed over the front of […]

Heart Health and the Dental Connection

Heart Health and the Dental Connection

February is American Heart Month! What does heart health have to do with oral health? Evidence suggests… a lot! Science has found two very distinct links between a person’s oral health and heart health. Signs of heart disease may be noticeable in a person’s gum tissue, and someone with gum disease has a higher risk […]

Keeping Mom and Baby Healthy and Happy During Pregnancy

Caring for your mouth while you’re pregnant is one of the most important things you can do to help keep you and your baby healthy. Pregnancy and the promise of the pitter-patter of little feet and long afternoon snuggles with your newborn is an exciting time for any parent-to-be, but it is also a stressful […]

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